Not everyone is aware of the differences between the extra virgin olive oil (EVO) and some other oils.
See them in detail:
- Extra virgin olive oil, shortened as EVO oil: this is the oil of highest and purest quality, obtained by cold mechanical pressing of healthy olives only, without the use of chemical solvents or refining processes. It has an acidity of less than 0.8 % and a fruity, herbaceous and peppery flavor, depending on the variety of the olives used. It retains all the properties of the olive
- Virgin olive oil: it is similar to the extra virgin oil, but it has a slightly higher acidity, between 0.8 % and 2 %. Its flavor is less intense and tasty
- Lampante olive oil: it is a virgin olive oil that has an acidity of more than 2% and an unpleasant taste, unfit for human consumption. Do you know where its name come from? It is due to the fact that, in the past, it was used to power lamps. It needs several refining processes to make it edible, but it is at the antipodes of the quality of extra virgin oil
- Olive oil: it is a mixture of virgin olive oil (a 10-20%) and refined olive oil (80-90%) coming from lampante oil subjected to chemical treatments to reduce its acidity and defects. It has a neutral flavor and an acidity of less than 2%
- Olive pomace oil: it is an oil obtained by pressing pomace, that is the solid residue of the olives after the first extraction of oil. It can be crude or refined. It is blended with a small percentage of virgin olive oil to make it more palatable and it contains less than 2 % acidity, but anyway it has little aromatic flavor
As you can see, there are big differences between the Evo oil and the other classifications of oil:
the extra virgin olive oil has no rival. It is natural, the healthiest and tastiest of all; the richest one in properties, among the olive oils.
That’s why we recommend you to buy our Evo oil for cooking and seasoning your dishes.

Claudia Zucca
Web Content Creator

Sono Matteo Marconi, provengo da una famiglia di agricoltori.
Sono cresciuto fin da piccolo in un contesto di azienda agricola e mi sono avvicinato man mano a questo mondo fatto di cura e rispetto per la natura, cominciando già dall’adolescenza a seguire le orme di mio padre, svolgendo alcuni piccoli lavori in campagna.
La mia giornata? Sveglia all’alba per sfalciare l’erba negli oliveti e controllo attento delle mie piante che tratto con Spintor Fly, un insetticida biologico.
C’è poi la fase più faticosa ma anche la più attesa dell’anno: la raccolta delle olive in autunno e la loro lavorazione, per ottenere l’olio extra vergine d’oliva di qualità superiore che imbottiglio.
In base al periodo dell’anno, mi occupo anche del fieno per i miei animali.
Sono giovane, ma molto coinvolto nelle attività dell’azienda di famiglia e il nome dell’olio che produco con passione e orgoglio ne e’ una chiara dimostrazione: Azienda Agricola Marconi Matteo, il tutto rappresentato nel logo dalla sola lettera M, l’iniziale del mio nome e del mio cognome, non per manie di protagonismo, ma perché ci metto davvero tutto Me stesso.